Should I cover my trampoline in the winter?

2023-10-26 14:31:10 CSD Textile Manufacturer

If you are not using the trampoline during the winter, it is highly recommended to cover it. The cold winter season can cause the exposed trampoline to deteriorate and corrode due to exposure to snow and frigid air.


Is it because the trampoline cover is of poor quality?

No, the quality of trampolines available in the market is generally good. Especially trampolines and fabrics made in China are among the best in the world. The quality of trampoline fabrics produced in the United States is considered the worst worldwide, which is why they use materials invented in China. Therefore, it is highly advisable to protect the trampoline fabric during cold snowy days using a cover. The weight of snow and other natural factors can gradually corrode the trampoline, so it must be protected.

How to protect the trampoline from winter weather?

1. Make sure you have a trampoline rain cover.

This will prevent the trampoline safety pad from being damaged by moisture and snow. If you don't have a trampoline rain cover, it is wise to remove the safety pad and store it safely.

2. Ensure there is no excessive snow accumulation on the trampoline.

If snow keeps accumulating on the trampoline, its weight can damage it. Simply use a broom occasionally to remove the snow. Note: Do not use a shovel as it can damage the trampoline jumping mat.

3. Use anchoring devices to secure the trampoline in place.

It is always wise to secure the trampoline on windy days. There is a higher risk of the trampoline being blown away by strong winds. By using CSD Textile's trampoline anchor kit, you can ensure this doesn't happen.

4. Regularly inspect your trampoline.

If you decide to keep the trampoline outdoors during winter, it is wise to periodically check it for any potential damage. Timely detection of any damage can often be repaired, which contrasts with discovering it too late when it cannot be fixed and requires replacement of parts. Take a few minutes to walk around the trampoline and inspect it before your family wants to jump on it.


Can you play on a trampoline in winter?

Yes, you can certainly use the trampoline in winter. Playing on a trampoline has many benefits, including being a source of much-needed vitamin D, providing cardiovascular exercise to counteract a sedentary lifestyle, and relieving stress, anxiety, and even seasonal depression.


Steps to protect the trampoline:

1. Make sure you have a trampoline rain cover. Using a trampoline rain cover can prevent snow and moisture from damaging the trampoline and allow for proper storage.

2. Regularly visually inspect the trampoline, especially during the snow season. Check for snow accumulation and use a broom to remove it. However, avoid using a shovel as it can damage the trampoline.

3. Use anchoring devices to secure the trampoline in place.

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